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Fotosid siit-sealt

Posted: 15.08.2010 22:18
by Saldre

Re: Fotosid siit-sealt

Posted: 24.08.2010 23:09
by Saldre

Re: Fotosid siit-sealt

Posted: 03.01.2011 14:42
by MartinV
"Vivian Maier, a Chicago nanny who took more than 100,000 photos during her lifetime but never showed them to anyone. Now that she's gone and her photos have been discovered, some say she may rank among the top street photographers of the 20th century.",8,80& ... 2LakYxNa7J

Re: Fotosid siit-sealt

Posted: 07.07.2011 12:02
by MartinV
Käisin Stockholmis fotomuuseumis ja oma seinadele oleks sealt tahtnud neid pilte: ... to_you.php

Need erinevad Cityscape'id on kõige rohkem meele järele, näitusel olid nad väljas suuruses umbes 2,5x1 meetrit, lahedalt abstraktselt apokalüptilised, eriti natuke kaugemalt vaadates.